...hey ya'll, sorry, long time no post, just finishing some concepts for the 3 levels and some character designs that need vectorising in Illustrator, and then importing into Flash. For the 3rd level I was trying to get the right conceptualisation of the game environment, looking at its design and visualisation.
Garath Sleightholme is a tutor that has been teaching us the production elements of creating environments and identifying their cultural influences and the visual research required to make a functional concept design. He has been very helpful in the researching and why things look like they do. I am also aware of how the aesthetics of the game can be procedural in depicting gameplay elements.
I've added a collapsed bridge, this creates more depth and atmosphere into the level. I think I'll be using some of the concepts for prologue scenes at the begginning of the level, but wont go into too much backstory as I want the player to start brawling as soon as possible, but because some things have an higher prioriety on the load to do things list and certain time constraints I might not have time to do these things. I could try do something in-game that illustrates the story). The next step is to finalise the 3 levels in Flash (I have been doing this, but not quite finished, still need to put them inside the parallax). I also need to start with the design document over easter. Kay...lots to do and post, I'll be back with more.
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