Hey ya'll, I have updated the engine, and done most of the things in the previous things to do post, such as the easing with in the background is done (the illusion of the character gradually slowing down), orb collection, enemy collisions, GUI, basic movement and combat controls for the main character are working, but the php leaderboard is non-existant, I'm still thinking if the game really needs one, plus I dont want to be given myself more things to learn because I have another project to attend to, so I'm leaving it out at the moment just until all major things are done in this game and a client orientated project I have on. I also want to include a lot more with the orbs, instead of just collecting them, the player could only absorb them with his gauntlet but some orbs move slower than others, and the player can't attack when absorbing orbs, this could add a survival horror type game mechanic to the game, and make it more or an experience. Argh, still need to do all the animation, I think that will be done after christmas now.
For anyone is interested in the design document of Dream Hunter, I will post after christmas, It has to be in soon, blargh!